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Healthy People 2030 Progress Tracker

Healthy People 2030 is a comprehensive set of key disease prevention and health promotion objectives. The health objectives and targets allow communities to assess their health status and build an agenda for community health improvement. To see more specific comparisons to the state and US counties, you can click on the Indicator label.

Indicator Gauge Icon Legend

Legend Colors

Red is bad, green is good, blue is not statistically different/neutral.

Compared to Distribution

an indicator guage with the arrow in the green the value is in the best half of communities.

an indicator guage with the arrow in the yellow the value is in the 2nd worst quarter of communities.

an indicator guage with the arrow in the red the value is in the worst quarter of communities.

Compared to Target

green circle with white tick inside it meets target; red circle with white cross inside it does not meet target.

Compared to a Single Value

green diamond with downward arrow inside it lower than the comparison value; red diamond with downward arrow inside it higher than the comparison value; blue diamond with downward arrow inside it not statistically different from comparison value.


green square outline with upward trending arrow inside it green square outline with downward trending arrow inside it non-significant change over time; green square with upward trending arrow inside it green square with downward trending arrow inside it significant change over time; blue square with equals sign no change over time.

Compared to Prior Value

green triangle with upward trending arrow inside it higher than the previous measurement period; green triangle with downward trending arrow inside it lower than the previous measurement period; blue equals sign no statistically different change  from previous measurement period.

More information about the gauges and icons

State: Ohio

Health / Cancer

Compared to:

State: Ohio

Health / Cancer

Compared to:

State: Ohio Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Breast Cancer

Deaths per 100,000 females
Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (15.3), the target has not been met.
HP 2030 Target

State: Ohio Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Cancer

Current Value:
Deaths per 100,000 population
Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (122.7), the target has not been met.
HP 2030 Target

State: Ohio Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Colorectal Cancer

Deaths per 100,000 population
Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (8.9), the target has not been met.
HP 2030 Target

State: Ohio Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Lung Cancer

Current Value:
Deaths per 100,000 population
Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (25.1), the target has not been met.
HP 2030 Target

State: Ohio Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Prostate Cancer

Deaths per 100,000 males
Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (16.9), the target has not been met.
HP 2030 Target

State: Ohio

Health / Heart Disease & Stroke

Compared to:

State: Ohio

Health / Heart Disease & Stroke

Compared to:

State: Ohio Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke)

Deaths per 100,000 population
Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (33.4), the target has not been met.
HP 2030 Target

State: Ohio Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Coronary Heart Disease

Deaths per 100,000 population
Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (71.1), the target has not been met.
HP 2030 Target

State: Ohio

Health / Immunizations & Infectious Diseases

Compared to:

State: Ohio

Health / Immunizations & Infectious Diseases

Compared to:

State: Ohio Tuberculosis Incidence Rate

Current Value:
Cases per 100,000 population
Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (1.4), the target has  been met.
HP 2030 Target

State: Ohio

Health / Maternal, Fetal & Infant Health

Compared to:

State: Ohio

Health / Maternal, Fetal & Infant Health

Compared to:

State: Ohio Infant Mortality Rate

Current Value:

State: Ohio Infant Mortality Rate

Deaths per 1,000 live births
Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (5.0), the target has not been met.
HP 2030 Target
<div>MICH-02: Reduce the rate of infant deaths <strong>(LEADING HEALTH INDICATOR)</strong></div>

State: Ohio Mothers who Smoked During Pregnancy

Current Value:
Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (4.3%), the target has not been met.
HP 2030 Target

State: Ohio Preterm Births

Current Value:

State: Ohio Preterm Births

Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (9.4%), the target has not been met.
HP 2030 Target

State: Ohio

Health / Mental Health & Mental Disorders

Compared to:

State: Ohio

Health / Mental Health & Mental Disorders

Compared to:

State: Ohio Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Suicide

Current Value:
Deaths per 100,000 population
Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (12.8), the target has not been met.
HP 2030 Target
<div>MHMD-01: Reduce the suicide rate <strong>(LEADING HEALTH INDICATOR)</strong></div>

State: Ohio

Health / Prevention & Safety

Compared to:

State: Ohio

Health / Prevention & Safety

Compared to:

State: Ohio Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Firearms

Current Value:
Deaths per 100,000 population
Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (10.7), the target has not been met.
HP 2030 Target

State: Ohio

Health / Tobacco Use

Compared to:

State: Ohio

Health / Tobacco Use

Compared to:

State: Ohio Adults who Smoke

Current Value:

State: Ohio Adults who Smoke

Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (6.1%), the target has not been met.
HP 2030 Target
<div>TU-02: Reduce current cigarette smoking in adults <strong>(LEADING HEALTH INDICATOR)</strong></div>

State: Ohio

Community / Crime & Crime Prevention

Compared to:

State: Ohio

Community / Crime & Crime Prevention

Compared to:

State: Ohio Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Homicide

Current Value:
Deaths per 100,000 population
Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (5.5), the target has not been met.
HP 2030 Target
<div>IVP-09: Reduce homicides <strong>(LEADING HEALTH INDICATOR)</strong></div>

State: Ohio

Community / Social Environment

Compared to:

State: Ohio

Community / Social Environment

Compared to:

State: Ohio Substantiated Child Abuse Rate

Current Value:
Cases per 1,000 children
Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (8.7), the target has  been met.
HP 2030 Target

State: Ohio

Community / Transportation

Compared to:

State: Ohio

Community / Transportation

Compared to:

State: Ohio Workers Commuting by Public Transportation

Current Value:
Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (5.3%), the target has not been met.
HP 2030 Target

State: Ohio

Economy / Poverty

Compared to:

State: Ohio

Economy / Poverty

Compared to:

State: Ohio People Living Below Poverty Level

Current Value:
Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (8.0%), the target has not been met.
HP 2030 Target

State: Ohio

Education / Student Performance K-12

Compared to:

State: Ohio

Education / Student Performance K-12

Compared to:

State: Ohio High School Graduation

Current Value:
Compared to:
Compared to the HP 2030 Target (90.7%), the target has  been met.
HP 2030 Target