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Sex Data for Region: Appalachian Ohio

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Population by Sex
Population by Sex Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
Male 970,926 49.55% 5,768,076 48.97%
Female 988,403 50.45% 6,010,046 51.03%
Hispanic/Latino Population by Sex
Hispanic/Latino Population by Sex Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Hispanic/Latino Population Persons % of Hispanic/Latino Population
Male 27,007 50.80% 300,070 50.51%
Female 26,161 49.20% 294,059 49.49%
White Population by Sex
White Population by Sex Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of White Population Persons % of White Population
Male 854,453 49.35% 4,379,162 49.14%
Female 876,970 50.65% 4,533,185 50.86%
Black/African American Population by Sex
Black/African American Population by Sex Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Black/African American Population Persons % of Black/African American Population
Male 48,048 54.49% 719,387 47.77%
Female 40,135 45.51% 786,553 52.23%
American Indian/Alaskan Native Population by Sex
American Indian/Alaskan Native Population by Sex Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of American Indian/Alaskan Native Population Persons % of American Indian/Alaskan Native Population
Male 2,924 52.99% 17,654 53.97%
Female 2,594 47.01% 15,054 46.03%
Asian Population by Sex
Asian Population by Sex Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Asian Population Persons % of Asian Population
Male 5,011 45.20% 153,932 48.32%
Female 6,076 54.80% 164,667 51.68%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population by Sex
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population by Sex Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population Persons % of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population
Male 214 48.86% 2,839 52.35%
Female 224 51.14% 2,584 47.65%
Some Other Race Population by Sex
Some Other Race Population by Sex Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Some Other Race Population Persons % of Some Other Race Population
Male 10,234 52.58% 129,992 52.26%
Female 9,231 47.42% 118,732 47.74%
2+ Races Population by Sex
2+ Races Population by Sex Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of 2+ Races Population Persons % of 2+ Races Population
Male 50,042 48.48% 365,110 48.40%
Female 53,173 51.52% 389,271 51.60%
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Male Population by Age Group Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Male Population Persons % of Male Population
0 - 4 54,003 5.56% 335,810 5.82%
5 - 9 54,952 5.66% 343,649 5.96%
10 - 14 59,454 6.12% 368,913 6.40%
15 - 17 38,178 3.93% 229,898 3.99%
18 - 20 41,005 4.22% 258,557 4.48%
21 - 24 53,384 5.50% 317,301 5.50%
25 - 34 113,983 11.74% 738,137 12.80%
35 - 44 112,888 11.63% 714,357 12.38%
45 - 54 115,225 11.87% 678,570 11.76%
55 - 64 131,216 13.51% 742,838 12.88%
65 - 74 120,360 12.40% 639,308 11.08%
75 - 84 59,361 6.11% 309,897 5.37%
85+ 16,917 1.74% 90,841 1.57%
Male Population by Age
Male Population by Age Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Male Population Persons % of Male Population
Under 18 206,587 21.28% 1,278,270 22.16%
18+ 764,339 78.72% 4,489,806 77.84%
65+ 196,638 20.25% 1,040,046 18.03%
85+ 16,917 1.74% 90,841 1.57%
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Female Population by Age Group Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Female Population Persons % of Female Population
0 - 4 51,727 5.23% 322,010 5.36%
5 - 9 52,531 5.31% 329,911 5.49%
10 - 14 56,780 5.74% 351,710 5.85%
15 - 17 36,174 3.66% 218,909 3.64%
18 - 20 39,829 4.03% 253,651 4.22%
21 - 24 49,136 4.97% 304,311 5.06%
25 - 34 106,275 10.75% 725,158 12.07%
35 - 44 109,559 11.08% 727,116 12.10%
45 - 54 114,006 11.53% 695,807 11.58%
55 - 64 135,091 13.67% 784,675 13.06%
65 - 74 131,048 13.26% 721,237 12.00%
75 - 84 75,633 7.65% 406,010 6.76%
85+ 30,614 3.10% 169,541 2.82%
Female Population by Age
Female Population by Age Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Female Population Persons % of Female Population
Under 18 197,212 19.95% 1,222,540 20.34%
18+ 791,191 80.05% 4,787,506 79.66%
65+ 237,295 24.01% 1,296,788 21.58%
85+ 30,614 3.10% 169,541 2.82%

Male Median Age

Region: Appalachian Ohio


State: Ohio 39.1 Years

Female Median Age

Region: Appalachian Ohio


State: Ohio 41.9 Years

Male Population Age 25+: Less Than High School Graduation

Region: Appalachian Ohio

(12.22% of Male Population: Age 25+)

State: Ohio 359,683 Persons (9.19% of Male Population: Age 25+)

Female Population Age 25+: Less Than High School Graduation

Region: Appalachian Ohio

(10.16% of Female Population: Age 25+)

State: Ohio 339,112 Persons (8.02% of Female Population: Age 25+)

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Male Population Age 25+ by Educational Attainment Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Male Population Age 25+ Persons % of Male Population Age 25+
Less than 9th Grade 26,452 3.95% 111,793 2.86%
Some High School, No Diploma 55,448 8.28% 247,890 6.33%
High School Grad 300,873 44.91% 1,349,115 34.47%
Some College, No Degree 117,938 17.60% 769,368 19.66%
Associate Degree 48,534 7.24% 286,902 7.33%
Bachelor's Degree 78,232 11.68% 719,656 18.39%
Master's Degree 29,887 4.46% 294,397 7.52%
Professional Degree 7,743 1.16% 80,774 2.06%
Doctorate Degree 4,843 0.72% 54,053 1.38%
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Female Population Age 25+ by Educational Attainment Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Female Population Age 25+ Persons % of Female Population Age 25+
Less than 9th Grade 24,538 3.49% 109,045 2.58%
Some High School, No Diploma 46,784 6.66% 230,067 5.44%
High School Grad 274,299 39.06% 1,319,237 31.19%
Some College, No Degree 130,246 18.55% 825,472 19.52%
Associate Degree 76,869 10.95% 435,681 10.30%
Bachelor's Degree 91,769 13.07% 797,244 18.85%
Master's Degree 49,026 6.98% 407,962 9.65%
Professional Degree 5,358 0.76% 61,342 1.45%
Doctorate Degree 3,337 0.48% 43,494 1.03%
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Population 16+: Unemployed by Sex Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Value Value
Male 5.92% 5.35%
Female 5% 5.06%
Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.