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Race Data for County: Guernsey

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Population by Race County: Guernsey Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
White 35,111 92.72% 1,731,423 88.37% 8,912,347 75.67%
Black/African American 602 1.59% 88,183 4.50% 1,505,940 12.79%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 86 0.23% 5,518 0.28% 32,708 0.28%
Asian 160 0.42% 11,087 0.57% 318,599 2.71%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 6 0.02% 438 0.02% 5,423 0.05%
Some Other Race 224 0.59% 19,465 0.99% 248,724 2.11%
2+ Races 1,678 4.43% 103,215 5.27% 754,381 6.40%
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Hispanic/Latino Population by Race County: Guernsey Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Hispanic/Latino Population Persons % of Hispanic/Latino Population Persons % of Hispanic/Latino Population
White 245 40.70% 15,982 30.06% 143,977 24.23%
Black/African American 20 3.32% 2,331 4.38% 24,336 4.10%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 10 1.66% 1,907 3.59% 13,543 2.28%
Asian 7 1.16% 159 0.30% 2,184 0.37%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 1 0.17% 66 0.12% 617 0.10%
Some Other Race 161 26.74% 14,379 27.04% 204,014 34.34%
2+ Races 158 26.25% 18,344 34.50% 205,458 34.58%
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Non-Hispanic/Latino by Race County: Guernsey Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Non-Hispanic/Latino Population Persons % of Non-Hispanic/Latino Population Persons % of Non-Hispanic/Latino Population
White 34,866 93.56% 1,715,441 89.99% 8,768,370 78.40%
Black/African American 582 1.56% 85,852 4.50% 1,481,604 13.25%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 76 0.20% 3,611 0.19% 19,165 0.17%
Asian 153 0.41% 10,928 0.57% 316,415 2.83%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 5 0.01% 372 0.02% 4,806 0.04%
Some Other Race 63 0.17% 5,086 0.27% 44,710 0.40%
2+ Races 1,520 4.08% 84,871 4.45% 548,923 4.91%
White Population by Sex
White Population by Sex County: Guernsey Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of White Population Persons % of White Population Persons % of White Population
Male 17,264 49.17% 854,453 49.35% 4,379,162 49.14%
Female 17,847 50.83% 876,970 50.65% 4,533,185 50.86%
Black/African American Population by Sex
Black/African American Population by Sex County: Guernsey Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Black/African American Population Persons % of Black/African American Population Persons % of Black/African American Population
Male 347 57.64% 48,048 54.49% 719,387 47.77%
Female 255 42.36% 40,135 45.51% 786,553 52.23%
American Indian/Alaskan Native Population by Sex
American Indian/Alaskan Native Population by Sex County: Guernsey Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of American Indian/Alaskan Native Population Persons % of American Indian/Alaskan Native Population Persons % of American Indian/Alaskan Native Population
Male 62 72.09% 2,924 52.99% 17,654 53.97%
Female 24 27.91% 2,594 47.01% 15,054 46.03%
Asian Population by Sex
Asian Population by Sex County: Guernsey Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Asian Population Persons % of Asian Population Persons % of Asian Population
Male 68 42.50% 5,011 45.20% 153,932 48.32%
Female 92 57.50% 6,076 54.80% 164,667 51.68%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population by Sex
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population by Sex County: Guernsey Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population Persons % of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population Persons % of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population
Male 6 100.00% 214 48.86% 2,839 52.35%
Female 0 0.00% 224 51.14% 2,584 47.65%
Some Other Race Population by Sex
Some Other Race Population by Sex County: Guernsey Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Some Other Race Population Persons % of Some Other Race Population Persons % of Some Other Race Population
Male 106 47.32% 10,234 52.58% 129,992 52.26%
Female 118 52.68% 9,231 47.42% 118,732 47.74%
2+ Races Population by Sex
2+ Races Population by Sex County: Guernsey Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of 2+ Races Population Persons % of 2+ Races Population Persons % of 2+ Races Population
Male 794 47.32% 50,042 48.48% 365,110 48.40%
Female 884 52.68% 53,173 51.52% 389,271 51.60%
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Average Household Income by Race County: Guernsey Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Value Value Value
All $76,080 $78,738 $93,487
White $73,391 $76,782 $91,401
Black/African American $78,835 $47,787 $56,400
American Indian/Alaskan Native $71,591 $61,549 $66,417
Asian $61,058 $97,757 $111,501
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander $67,500 $78,582 $71,842
Some Other Race $88,082 $62,453 $68,042
2+ Races $56,864 $63,404 $76,599
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Median Household Income by Race County: Guernsey Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Value Value Value
All $57,634 $59,050 $68,488
White $57,967 $61,143 $73,755
Black/African American $66,595 $34,891 $41,530
American Indian/Alaskan Native $75,000 $49,497 $45,576
Asian $62,500 $80,518 $93,851
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander $62,500 $63,116 $53,200
Some Other Race $85,985 $49,962 $53,047
2+ Races $34,722 $48,894 $58,070
Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.