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Summary Data for County: Coshocton


County: Coshocton


Region: Appalachian Ohio
1,959,329 Persons

State: Ohio
11,778,122 Persons

Percent Population Change: 2020 to 2024

County: Coshocton


Region: Appalachian Ohio

State: Ohio

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Population by Race County: Coshocton Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
White 34,411 94.19% 1,731,423 88.37% 8,912,347 75.67%
Black/African American 410 1.12% 88,183 4.50% 1,505,940 12.79%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 74 0.20% 5,518 0.28% 32,708 0.28%
Asian 118 0.32% 11,087 0.57% 318,599 2.71%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 16 0.04% 438 0.02% 5,423 0.05%
Some Other Race 140 0.38% 19,465 0.99% 248,724 2.11%
2+ Races 1,366 3.74% 103,215 5.27% 754,381 6.40%
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Population by Ethnicity County: Coshocton Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
Hispanic/Latino 518 1.42% 53,168 2.71% 594,129 5.04%
Non-Hispanic/Latino 36,017 98.58% 1,906,161 97.29% 11,183,993 94.96%
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Population by Age Group County: Coshocton Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
0-4 2,376 6.50% 105,730 5.40% 657,820 5.59%
5-9 2,375 6.50% 107,483 5.49% 673,560 5.72%
10-14 2,491 6.82% 116,234 5.93% 720,623 6.12%
15-17 1,465 4.01% 74,352 3.79% 448,807 3.81%
18-20 1,429 3.91% 80,834 4.13% 512,208 4.35%
21-24 1,757 4.81% 102,520 5.23% 621,612 5.28%
25-34 3,772 10.32% 220,258 11.24% 1,463,295 12.42%
35-44 4,116 11.27% 222,447 11.35% 1,441,473 12.24%
45-54 4,064 11.12% 229,231 11.70% 1,374,377 11.67%
55-64 4,825 13.21% 266,307 13.59% 1,527,513 12.97%
65-74 4,520 12.37% 251,408 12.83% 1,360,545 11.55%
75-84 2,522 6.90% 134,994 6.89% 715,907 6.08%
85+ 823 2.25% 47,531 2.43% 260,382 2.21%
Population by Sex
Population by Sex County: Coshocton Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
Male 18,111 49.57% 970,926 49.55% 5,768,076 48.97%
Female 18,424 50.43% 988,403 50.45% 6,010,046 51.03%


County: Coshocton


Region: Appalachian Ohio
799,303 Households

State: Ohio
4,828,673 Households


County: Coshocton


Region: Appalachian Ohio
540,896 Families

State: Ohio
3,136,316 Families

Average Household Size

County: Coshocton


Region: Appalachian Ohio
2.39 Persons

State: Ohio
2.38 Persons

Households With Own Children

County: Coshocton

(26.93% of Households)

Region: Appalachian Ohio
194,035 Households (24.28% of Households)

State: Ohio
1,233,477 Households (25.54% of Households)

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Median Household Income by Race/Ethnicity County: Coshocton Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Value Value Value
All $57,801 $59,050 $68,488
White $58,614 $61,143 $73,755
Black/African American $35,000 $34,891 $41,530
American Indian/Alaskan Native $87,500 $49,497 $45,576
Asian $14,999 $80,518 $93,851
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander $42,500 $63,116 $53,200
Some Other Race $82,813 $49,962 $53,047
2+ Races $45,452 $48,894 $58,070
Hispanic/Latino $45,213 $47,975 $53,420
Non-Hispanic/Latino $57,979 $59,367 $69,065

Families Below Poverty

County: Coshocton

(14.05% of Families)

Region: Appalachian Ohio
63,302 Families (11.70% of Families)

State: Ohio
295,392 Families (9.42% of Families)

Families Below Poverty with Children

County: Coshocton

(10.08% of Families)

Region: Appalachian Ohio
45,702 Families (8.45% of Families)

State: Ohio
223,501 Families (7.13% of Families)

Housing Units

County: Coshocton

Housing units

Region: Appalachian Ohio
897,347 Housing units

State: Ohio
5,294,118 Housing units

Owner-Occupied Housing Units Average Value

County: Coshocton


Region: Appalachian Ohio

State: Ohio

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Population 25+ by Educational Attainment County: Coshocton Region: Appalachian Ohio State: Ohio
Persons % of Population Age 25+ Persons % of Population Age 25+ Persons % of Population Age 25+
Less than 9th Grade 1,729 7.02% 50,990 3.72% 220,838 2.71%
Some High School, No Diploma 2,106 8.55% 102,232 7.45% 477,957 5.87%
High School Grad 10,534 42.75% 575,172 41.92% 2,668,352 32.77%
Some College, No Degree 3,844 15.60% 248,184 18.09% 1,594,840 19.58%
Associate Degree 2,226 9.03% 125,403 9.14% 722,583 8.87%
Bachelor's Degree 2,747 11.15% 170,001 12.39% 1,516,900 18.63%
Master's Degree 1,297 5.26% 78,913 5.75% 702,359 8.62%
Professional Degree 87 0.35% 13,101 0.95% 142,116 1.75%
Doctorate Degree 72 0.29% 8,180 0.60% 97,547 1.20%

Population 16+: Unemployed

County: Coshocton


Region: Appalachian Ohio

State: Ohio

Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.